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Knowledge Base
Speech & OT
Unlocking Potential Through Speech-Language Pathology: Gateway’s Role (Part 2)
Speech-language pathology (SLP) is a lifeline for individuals navigating communication and swallowing challenges. At Gateway, our speech pathology program embodies this mission, offering hope, empowerment, and transformation to those we serve. In this continuation of our exploration into speech-language pathology, we dive deeper into its specialized techniques, success stories, and the profound impact it has […]
Speech & OT
Unlocking Potential Through Speech-Language Pathology (Part 1)
Communication is at the core of what it means to be human, connecting us to the world and those we care about most. But for millions of people, speaking, swallowing, or even breathing comes with significant challenges. Speech-language pathology stands as a beacon of hope, a field that not only addresses these hurdles but empowers […]
ASL | History
Maryland’s Interpreter Licensing Delay: What it Means for 2026 and Beyond
Since Gateway hosted the Town Hall meeting on Monday, December 9th, a lot more information has surfaced about the upcoming Maryland law. The effect date for the Maryland Interpreting Law has been pushed back to January 1, 2026 while the State Board of Sign Language Interpreters (SBSLI) works out its rules and regulations. This will […]
ASL | School
The Benefits of Sign Language Education for All Ages
Communication is a bridge that connects us to the world, and sign language—specifically American Sign Language (ASL)—is a profound tool that goes beyond words. Continued learning and becoming skilled in ASL opens doors to personal growth, professional opportunities, and deeper connections. Gateway proudly offers ASL classes tailored for all skill levels, empowering individuals to enrich […]
Change Takes Action, Not Just Policy
Inclusion isn’t just about writing policies; it’s about taking meaningful action. Nowhere is this more apparent than for those in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community, where many institutions offer the bare minimum of accommodations, leaving individuals without robust access to communication. If we’re truly serious about creating an inclusive society, it’s time to […]
Why Every Company Should Have a Language Access Plan: A Guide from the Director of Interpreting
As the Director of Interpreting at Gateway, I have seen firsthand how vital effective communication is to the success of any organization. Language is the bridge that connects people, facilitates understanding, and ensures everyone can participate fully in both the workplace and society. In a diverse world, where individuals come from various linguistic backgrounds, ensuring […]
Paying for Effective Communication
The Importance of Investing in Autonomy It’s like putting a Band-Aid on a gaping wound to prioritize profits over the well-being of those we serve. As the Language Access and Inclusion Director at Gateway, I’ve seen the transformative impact of prioritizing people’s health and autonomy. At Gateway, we believe that ensuring everyone – both within […]
History | Interpreting
Promoting Deaf Autonomy
As the Director of interpreting services, I am acutely aware of the pressing challenges facing the Deaf community today. Recent trends have spotlighted a massive shortage of American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters, a crisis that is set to deepen with the upcoming 2025 law mandating all interpreters to be officially licensed by the state. This […]
The Role of Interpreters in Bridging Communication Gaps
Communication is fundamental to human interaction, and the ability to convey and receive messages effectively is essential for participating fully in society. For people who use sign language as their primary way to communicate, communication can often be a significant barrier, particularly in a predominantly non-signing world where spoken language is the norm. This is […]