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Honoring Anne Bosworth
Anne Bosworth (1925-2022) is remembered as an unwavering advocate for those in her life. After supporting her deaf mother, Anne expanded her impact by championing the Baltimore deaf community at HASA. Read on to learn more about her life and story. Passion Overcoming Adversity In the heart of the Rocky Mountains in rural Wyoming, Peter and Frank […]
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Patrick’s Story… A Family Shares Their Gateway Experience
My name is Bernie Zaworski and I would like to share my family’s story and the tremendous impact Gateway has had on our lives. There are many moments that, as parents, we take for granted. Sometimes when you are in the middle of raising a family, you forget to pause and take notice of the […]
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Board Treasurer, Amanda Adams Shares Her Story
Dear Friends, All seemed perfect to first-time parents, Greg and Rebecca. They were living in California and enjoying time spent with their new baby girl – me, Amanda. By the time I was 3, my mother became worried about my speech delay. To comfort my mother, family members and our pediatrician tried to convince her […]