Knowledge Base
Knowledge Base
Cochlear Implants, Bone Conduction Devices & Improving Communication: An Interview with Rachael Purcel
Hearing assistive technologies are often seen as a marvel of modern medicine, providing access to sound to those with hearing loss. However, many aspects of these intricate devices remain unknown to the general public. We had the opportunity to interview one of Gateway’s esteemed audiologists, Dr. Rachael Purcel, who shed light on the fascinating inner […]
Paying for Effective Communication
The Importance of Investing in Autonomy It’s like putting a Band-Aid on a gaping wound to prioritize profits over the well-being of those we serve. As the Language Access and Inclusion Director at Gateway, I’ve seen the transformative impact of prioritizing people’s health and autonomy. At Gateway, we believe that ensuring everyone – both within […]
Hearing the World Through Cochlear Implants
Hearing loss affects millions globally, and in our quest to bridge communication gaps, technology plays a pivotal role. One such technological marvel is the cochlear implant, a device transforming the lives of many with severe hearing impairments. At Gateway, our goal is to connect our patients with the world so we can all connect with […]
How Hearing and Vision Work Together
Seeing and hearing the people, places, and moments that matter help to create lasting memories. All our senses are connected. They help us intake and interpret everything around us. However, hearing and vision are two of the most important senses that work together to help us interpret the world around us. That’s why making regular […]
Tips to Protect Your Hearing In Winter
The cold winter weather can cause ear infections and other ear issues. Why? Our outer ears are mostly cartilage and do not have insulating fat, resulting in our ears getting cold fast. Further, when your body is cold, it naturally redirects blood to your vital organs to keep them warm. Cold temperatures can cause physical […]
5 Common Myths About Earwax
For a long time, there has been a stigma surrounding earwax. But did you know that earwax is a natural cleaning agent and defense of protection for your middle ear? Earwax, medically known as cerumen, is an oil produced near the outside of your ear in order to trap dust, bacteria, and other potentially harmful […]
Honoring Black History Month: Innovators of Hearing Health
February is Black History Month. We would like to recognize three innovators as Gateway heroes who have impacted hearing health and the deaf community. They have contributed tremendous developments such as educational opportunities for individuals with hearing loss, creating advanced hearing aid technology, and advocating for workplace hearing protection. James E. West James E. West is currently a research […]
5 reasons to see an audiologist: The importance of taking care of your hearing health
We all procrastinate. We plan to get something done, and it just keeps getting pushed to the next day (or week, or month). Addressing your hearing health may be one of those things. On average, an adult waits 7 to 10 years from when they first notice difficulty hearing before they schedule an appointment to […]
Speech & OT
Summertime speech: Practicing communication skills outside of the classroom and therapy
Happy Summer from Gateway’s Clinical Speech-Language Pathologists! School’s out and vacations, camps, and more disrupt our summer schedule. Maybe you have to miss a few therapy sessions or want to keep up your child’s work while you’re on vacation. There are so many ways to keep working on your child’s speech and communication skills this […]